Monday, October 5, 2015

Birthdays and Goals

    Some birthdays are great full of excitement others not so much. As I watch my kids grow up you can see the excitement in them for birthdays months in advance, Like seriously the first week of school this year Asher came home talking about going to a friends birthday party that wasn't until May. LIKE WHOA slow down there buddy!
       I remember my 21st birthday it was so exciting and full of a new world of legal beverage tasting....well now that I think about it I don't remember ALL of that birthday but it was still very exciting. This year I will be turning "25" again which puts me one year closer to the big 30. Now  I am starting to see things a little different.
    Going to Preschool drop off is either going to make you feel great about yourself or horrible i have started to notice. Some days you go and you are proud that you are one of the few that do not have on yoga pants still ( this is a very rare occasion for me ) or you see that mom running a little late yoga pants hair a mess kids may or may not have shoes on the wrong feet, and maybe even a little of yesterdays make up still on.
      Yeah that mom the last mom I mentioned is totally me... like 29 days out of 30 ! It makes me think maybe its time for me to actually become a real adult. My mom-mobile mini van is disgusting, its nothing new for me but I realize most adults , heck even most people, do not have a car full of junk from water bottles to chicken feed.
     This chaos applies to most areas of my life. This past weekend while trying to make it so we could see the bedroom floor in our massive master bedroom, I realized it , I have become a unintentional hoarder of clothes. I really only wear like three pairs of work out clothes and a handful of shirts yet my walk in master was FULL of clothes! After removing about 5 garbage bags of clothes from high school that my post baby body will never even dream of fitting into I decided something had to change.
   Lets see what all can I can finally get a grip on in the next year before the next big exciting time I turn 25.... Maybe I will finally decide I can be a real adult and be excited about the read adult age. Let the adulating begin!